
  • Dear Dyslexic Podcast with Dr Shae Wissel

    Dear Dyslexic Podcast with Dr Shae Wissell

    Ep 65: The Impact of Late Dyslexia Diagnosis: A Conversation about art, resilience and self discovery with Kim Percy.

    Kim and Shae discuss the effects that dyslexia has had on adults, students and as a parent of a dyslexic teen.

  • dyslexic bytes

    Dyslexia Bytes with Dr Martin Bloomfield

    Dyslexia, Art, and Attitudes in Australia

    A mother, artist, and researcher discusses attitudes towards #dyslexia, levels of understanding, and accommodations & teaching strategies , including how far schools and teachers accept #phonics strategies in different towns.

  • KIm Percy and Peter O'Mara

    Understanding the Dyslexic Mind, talk with Peter O'Mara

    Kim Percy and Peter O’Mara discuss dyslexia.

    Video of a presentation at Radius Art Hepburn, 27 October 2024. Conversation about art, dyslexia, strengths, disclosure, and the impact on adults and children.